In art the hand can never execute anything higher than the heart can inspire. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Art I Color Scheme Designs

We took advantage of a rather nice morning weather wise and headed outside to gather different varieties of leaf types for a color scheme project the students were about to begin. We spent two weeks working on various color schemes and as their culminating activity they were to choose a single scheme to use in their projects.

Art IV Paintings on Masonite

Bryan, Joe and Adam did some great work with acrylics on masonite. Adams piece hasn't been loaded to the site just yet. I have to email the photo of his work to home first and then I can get it loaded. Love to see them so enthusiastic about their projects!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Art II Paper Sculptures

Signature Characters

Students used their signatures as the basis for this fun project. By writing their names and then re-tracing the mirror images they discovered some whimsical creatures hidden within. This is always a fun assignment that stretches their imaginations in a creative way.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Circle Name Designs

Art I students have been studying the Principles of Design and how they help to organize the elements of art by creating circular designs using their names as the foundation for their original artwork.